This entry level emergency response diving course is designed to give the public safety diver the fundamental skills needed to safely function as part of a public safety dive team and is OSHA and NFPA compliant. Topics such as problem solving, tender skills, search patterns and evidence handling are covered just to name a few.
This ERDI Kit is a literary assistant to the ERDI certification course. The emergency response diving environment is unique in many ways from any other diving environment or diving activity. Emergency response diving differs from technical diving and recreational diving these activities are for pleasure and to ensure maximum enjoyment from these diving activities. The Emergency Response Diving program is more difficult than the previously mentioned courses, and it is this difficulty that is designed to help you meet the challenges of the job. The materials contained in the manual are written and reviewed by in the field PSD professionals which reflect today’s PSD needs and demands like:
- The role of public safety divers in the legal system
- Equipment for public safety diving
- Documentation forms
- Knot tying and rigging
- Physics and Mathematical formulas
- Responding to the scene / Pre-dive proceduresThis is just some of the course content contained in this manual and the following public safety diver program is in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines available in three levels.
- Awareness
- Operations
- Technician
Kit Content: - Student Presentation bag
- ERDI Student Record Folder
- ERDI 1 Student Manual
- ERDI 1 Knowledge Quest
- ERDI Dive Team Sticker
- ERDI Patch