SDI/TDI Sidemount Diver Student Manual with Knowledge Quest
The SDI/TDI Sidemount Diver Student Manual is the text-book literary assistant to the SDI/TDI Sidemount Diver Student certification course.
We offer two alternatives in Sidemount: Sport Diving (SDI) and Technical Diving (TDI).
The SDI course is designed to teach certified divers how to safely utilize side-mounted primary cylinders as an alternative to the traditional back-mounted configuration. The course is strictly non-decompression with a maximum depth of 40 metres/130 feet, or within the limits of the student’s current certification, whichever is shallower.
The TDI Sidemount Diver course is the ideal specialty for any diver wishing to use this increasingly popular equipment configuration, either as a stand-alone course OR in conjunction with one of TDI’s other open-circuit technical specialties such as: Decompression Procedures, Extended Range, Trimix, Advanced Trimix, or Advanced Wreck. If this course is combined, the requirements for BOTH courses must be met.